Flowing Through the Hour

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This painting – called “Snowdrop” – depicts a sub-atomic particle interaction with the physicist.




Thank you, Mira, for your response to “How to Draw the Sri Chakra Yantra” on this blog, and for sharing a link about the Higgs bosen particle (see below.)

My blog looks like a strip or time-scroll, but is a picture of the Mayan time change this summer;  the nature of what flows through the hour glass comes to me through IMAGES.

The water, the sands, are flowing through the hour, the key.

Swans, Saraswathi, sands, waters, alchemy, the flaring radiance from the Sri Yantra bindhu, human portraits, Eliot’s intersection time with timeless, the Grand Cross of Uranus, Pluto, Moon, Mars next  week, with its unfolding multitude of local effects and tensions …  the conductivity flows all the time infinitely through tiny passages, like the golden Dust in His Dark Materials.   The whole is one painting.

There is something wonderful and unprecedented about just this moment:  to be born for.




And here is another scientist, with his particle



The I-particle is the pattern of each “NOW”, at every point of space.

As the early quantum physicists demonstrated – as in the Heisenberg principle of position or motion – crucial to scientific experiment is the First-Person;  the discoverer’s I … eye.

An observer’s interference-pattern collapses an event’s potential into just one of a myrad possible futures.   We are limited at every step by our sensory spectrum and by our inertia-momentum, or conditioned habit of mind. Interpretation encloses;  yet the flowering happens.   We may continue asking, openly.

Theory and scholarship present a limitation.  It is like “stepping down” a voltage through a transformer, to make it palatable to the linear mind.   Theory has its essential place, but we have to step beyond theory and into conscious “I” to act with it, responsibly.   The equation is not in a book or on a blackboard;  it is in the heart and from the core of cosmos everywhere.  Opening the door inside, we may step beyond the stars.




In this painting of Mother Ganga for the Sacred India Tarot, the river falls from the Himalayas, a yogi sits near the glacial waters:  and she, just where the rock-bed drops, converges tributary streams from her flasks at a right-angle into the waterfall – reminding me of the planetary Grand Cross.

That detail depicts also a subatomic interaction in a hadron collider.

Riding the torrent lightly on her crocodile, she pours from her flasks the  “Integration of conscious and unconscious sides of psyche.”  The Shadow of this is that “addictive behaviour stems from staggering self centredness.”

Paradoxically, First-Personhood is not self centered, but centered in the Self.  Cosmic Consciousness flowers from the point between the polarities – the bindhu – and strangely, movingly and inescapably, manifests through each personal i.



Snowdrop, Fox and Owl


Crucial also is conversation:  the coming to meet each other now:  speaking not past each other, but with.

“Thank you so much, and how timely! I have heard a few observe that the drawings of the Higgs boson (i.e., “God particle”) is very similar to the Sri Chakra.
Inquiry through outer science or inner science will always get us to the same point.  See H.H. Swami Isa’s article on this.”


“Probably God particle helps to bridge the gap in understanding of science and religion.The problem with the science is that it is only object oriented and so far it has not developed any method to relate between the subject and object and the consciousness which is beyond subject-object combination.”


“Hello – thanks for your comment on the higgs bosen discussion link on my timeline. The scientific community begin to figure out in their own language, what the sages always knew and feel within themselves. The problem is when such realisations become limited to “how they can be exploited”. Real knowledge – human-ness – transcends material technology. It is in the discovery and the question – effectively, Self-enquiry – right across everything. The higgs bosen is NOW each second. The pattern that its discovery makes – the pebble dropped in the water – is timely just now, as the Mayan calender ends, and we enter a “new” dimension or frame of time. The bindhu and pattern of Sri Chakra shows this eternally.”


“Ten years ago I wrote a Telugu book called Real inquiry. In that, I wrote that a very small part of infinite energy becomes vibratory and the rest of energy is in potential form. If the vibration of that energy is 10% it becomes Akasa(Sky)(Visuddha);  if it is 100% the same energy becomes air(Anahata);  if the vibrations are 1000% it becomes fire(Manipura);  if it is 10,000% vibratory it becomes water(Swadhistana);  and if the vibrations are 1,00000% it becomes the earth(Mooladhara).  So it is the number of vibrations that determines what form the energy is going to have. This information is from a Hindu scripture and is quite interesting.  When it is 0% energy becomes one with the consciousness.  When energy vibrates between 0-10% it is said to be in Ajna chakra and if it is 100% still it is said to be in Sahasrara.  There is no concept of Jiva here.”

This exchange of letters among three particles, is an atomic interchange;  annihilation in the place of meeting, releases a new particle, the creativity.



Leaf, ripple, worldline


If I drop a leaf on water, its ripples spread concentrically into past and future as one circle or worldline.    When I was young, I received the wisdom of my older age;  and can at any point transmit the wavelength to my young self, receiving encouragement, and intimation of the deep.

It is timely to talk of time, in the current pressure of the Mayan figure of eight – the hourglass as one Great Time sphere passes into a new one.   The phenomenon is now – the seed of perceiving time differently, as petals and circles rather than linear. It rests on what the inner life is doing.   It does not seek;  it delivers.  It moves along in the flow of the tiny grains of sand.   Shakti triangle descends as Siva triangle ascends.  It is indeed timely, that the scientific community discovered for themselves a pattern similar to the Sri Chakra Yantra during this moment;  that SITA has the design on the back;   that there are whole google pages on methods of drawing the Yantra.

Then this is the pattern, the focus, the Yantra crossing the Grand Crossroads, next week.  Internally contemplate the up-down tree-sap-fountain mutual penetration of Siva Shakti, simultaneous with the radiating rings.   It is not a noun or word.  It is a movement, a Tao, a verb … a be-ing.



Tree of Life/Grail/Round Table 2002


This drawing of the Tree of Life through the Round Table, is similar.   The movement of the Cross is Eliot’s point of intersection, timeless with time.   Keep the pattern picture inwardly, make the flaring of the ripple your own;  the osmotic process through it, above, below.

The Life particle is known as Jiva Kana:  the prana inherent in all things   The whole universe did not just evolve from this in past tense, it evolves from it, every second NOW, inwardly and outwardly.   We are in unconscious balance and habit with this, with the miracle, as we are with the pressure of the blood in our veins.



Smash space into time 1988



Kabbalah:  Genesis:  Binah 1989



My adventure invites fellow travellers.  I am a poet, an artist and a seer.  I welcome conversation among the PHILO SOFIA, the lovers of wisdom.

This blog is  a vehicle to promote my published work – The Sacred India Tarot (with Rohit Arya, Yogi Impressions Books) and The Dreamer in the Dream – a collection of short stories (0 Books) – along with many other creations in house.  

I write, illustrate, design and print my books.   Watch this space.